The power of content marketing is quite clear. Those businesses that employ a content marketing strategy have conversion rates that are six times higher than competitors that don’t. It’s no wonder why businesses are spending more on content marketing. For those enterprises looking to do more with content marketing, here’s what you need to know.

How to Identify Content Topics

There is no point in creating content that won’t connect with your audience. Creating content requires investment in time and resources. To identify winning topics, you can use this process:

1. Research Keywords

Organic search drives 51 percent of traffic to websites, as search engine giant Google handles more than 3.5 billion searches per day. Take advantage of the wealth of data readily available to you. Use keyword research tools to help you discover the kinds of searches that are driving people to your site, as well as content topics that, if covered, will drive more visitors.

2. Analyze Interactions With Customers

If you want satisfied clients, solve their problems. That’s the way you build loyalty. Your content should be serving the same purpose. Talk with your sales and customer service teams about their interactions, and look at Internet forums discussing topics in your industry. Questions, complaints and general observations customers frequently have can give you golden ideas.

3. Examine Data

Regardless of the amount of research you do beforehand, some content is going to do better than other. Data is increasing in importance in content marketing, because it will give you insights into what will perform well. In short, data is the key to improving your content’s performance.

How to Increase the Volume of Content

The “quality versus quantity” argument hasn’t been settled in the content marketing world. You should be consistently producing and updating content, as there is much evidence that fresh content influences search rankings.

Here are some things you can try:

1. Hire freelancers: Whether you need blog posts, YouTube videos or infographics, freelancers are available to help increase the volume of your content.

2. Repurpose content: For instance, if you write a white paper, you could use information from there to create a series of blog posts. You could even use stats for Twitter posts. Get the most out of your content through repurposing.

3. Stick to your strategy: While 80 percent of marketers have a content marketing strategy, only 32 percent have documented that strategy. You need to flesh out a concrete strategy — and stick to it.

Winning With Content Marketing

A solid content marketing strategy can help you create a sustainable business. Follow these pieces of advice for finding great topics and creating solid content at the scale you want and you’ll be on your way to winning over more customers.